adjective | SKROO-pyuh-lus
What It Means
Scrupulous means “very careful about doing something correctly.” It can also mean “careful about doing what is honest and morally right.”
// She was always very scrupulous about her work, paying attention to every little detail.
// Less scrupulous companies find ways to evade the law.
adjective | SKROO-pyuh-lus
What It Means
Scrupulous means “very careful about doing something correctly.” It can also mean “careful about doing what is honest and morally right.”
// She was always very scrupulous about her work, paying attention to every little detail.
// Less scrupulous companies find ways to evade the law.
noun | uh-pah-thee-OH-sis
Apotheosis means "the perfect form or example of something" or "the highest or best part of something." It can also mean "elevation to divine status; deification."
Some consider (however ironically) french fries to be the apotheosis of U.S. cuisine.
Their music reached its creative apotheosis in the late aughts, which is also when they won two Grammys.
noun | uh-pah-thee-OH-sis
Apotheosis means "the perfect form or example of something" or "the highest or best part of something." It can also mean "elevation to divine status; deification."
Some consider (however ironically) french fries to be the apotheosis of U.S. cuisine.
Their music reached its creative apotheosis in the late aughts, which is also when they won two Grammys.
noun | NAY-deer
What It Means
Nadir refers to the lowest or worst point of something. When used in astronomy, nadir describes the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically downward from the observer.
Only once the novel's protagonist reaches her nadir does she arouse the reader's empathy, and we root for her to climb back to respectability.
noun | NAY-deer
What It Means
Nadir refers to the lowest or worst point of something. When used in astronomy, nadir describes the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically downward from the observer.
Only once the novel's protagonist reaches her nadir does she arouse the reader's empathy, and we root for her to climb back to respectability.
What It Means
A synonym of both unorthodox and unconventional, heterodox describes something, such an idea or belief, that is contrary to or different from an acknowledged standard, a traditional form, or an established religion. Heterodox can also describe a person or group that holds unorthodox opinions or doctrines.
// The columnist’s heterodox opinions on everything from dietary trends to the tax code made her a frequent lightning rod for criticism by the newspaper’s more old-fashioned readership.
What It Means
A synonym of both unorthodox and unconventional, heterodox describes something, such an idea or belief, that is contrary to or different from an acknowledged standard, a traditional form, or an established religion. Heterodox can also describe a person or group that holds unorthodox opinions or doctrines.
// The columnist’s heterodox opinions on everything from dietary trends to the tax code made her a frequent lightning rod for criticism by the newspaper’s more old-fashioned readership.
noun | luh-KOO-nuh
What It Means
Lacuna is a formal word that refers to a gap or blank space in something—in other words, a missing part. When used with respect to biology, lacuna also refers to a small cavity, pit, or discontinuity in an anatomical structure.
// The absence of hemlock pollen from one stretch of the fossil record is a notable lacuna that suggests the tree may have once suffered from some type of blight that nearly wiped out the species.
// An osteocyte is a cell that is isolated in a lacuna of bone.
noun | luh-KOO-nuh
What It Means
Lacuna is a formal word that refers to a gap or blank space in something—in other words, a missing part. When used with respect to biology, lacuna also refers to a small cavity, pit, or discontinuity in an anatomical structure.
// The absence of hemlock pollen from one stretch of the fossil record is a notable lacuna that suggests the tree may have once suffered from some type of blight that nearly wiped out the species.
// An osteocyte is a cell that is isolated in a lacuna of bone.
Redact, DooDoo, a superb word from the English lexicon.
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Moderation Ernie, an excellent approach in managing forums
the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behavior or political opinions.
"he urged them to show moderation"
the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behavior or political opinions.
"he urged them to show moderation"
Best being part of this forum by placing the intellectual challenged on foes list. A lot less post to read and a great time saver.
adjective | TAK-tul
What It Means
Tactile describes something related to the sense of touch. It can also be used to describe something that is tangible, that is, perceptible by touch.
With the introduction of haptics to smartphones, receiving a call from a friend became a much more tactile experience
adjective | TAK-tul
What It Means
Tactile describes something related to the sense of touch. It can also be used to describe something that is tangible, that is, perceptible by touch.
With the introduction of haptics to smartphones, receiving a call from a friend became a much more tactile experience
Or exercise moderation when you see a response on a thread that you don't like rather than instructing them not to post?
Sure, I get it.
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Interesting structure and wording of recent posts if I didn't know better, it would say it looked like two different people are sharing the same ID.
Best being part of this forum by placing the intellectual challenged on foes list. A lot less post to read and a great time saver.