Udon Thani Air Pollution

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Khun Paul
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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by Khun Paul » March 17, 2023, 5:44 pm

You know thinking about this AQI PROBLEM REMINDS ME OF PEOPLE THAt move to a rural village and then complain about the Church bells on a Sunday morning .
When I cane here over m20 yeas ago the pollution was also bad, only in Bkk and Chiang Mai did I experience bad air , the rest was not so bad, beter than the UK most of the time
My onloy thought was what diseases were prevalent and found I was vaccinated from all of them in any event.
Most people am sure also studied the history of Thailand and all its problems before cpoming here and some seem surprised at the bad AQI and moan and groan about Field burning, polluion generally.
Whereas, Thailand is and always has been a very DUSTY place with pollution generated by bad burning practices and not just the fields but at markets with numerous fires of one sort and another plus the smells from Thai cooking in some cases so pungent that it is hard to breathe .
The other day some workers were working on a road nearby the dust and mess caused was horrendous, but I saw no-one attempting to damp down the dust and washed it off my plants that evening .

If you have problems breathing due to an illness or suffering from reduced ability in the lungs, why I ask are you still here unless having made your bed you have to lie in it .
Thailands cleanliness is not going to change over the rest of my lifetime of that I am sure ,stressing out about the AQI could be worse than actually circumnavigating the problem and enjoying life`.

The AQI is reported to be dropping about 30/40 points over the next few days . So cease worrying and get a life or move simple !

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by stattointhailand » March 17, 2023, 7:25 pm

Interestingly KP, I tend to find that by slowly walking from "A" to "B", and only when necessary, it is possible to live through this disaster as our ancestors did years ago. It's no coincidence that they were not known to run/jog unless they were late to get somewhere. Its bl** dy obvious that if you spend half an hour jogging to get back to where you started, and are taking huge gulps of polluted air, huge amounts of PM2.5 particles (and a lot more besides) are gonna get in your lungs

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by DuiDui49 » March 18, 2023, 8:33 am

stattointhailand wrote:
March 17, 2023, 7:25 pm
Interestingly KP, I tend to find that by slowly walking from "A" to "B", and only when necessary, it is possible to live through this disaster as our ancestors did years ago. It's no coincidence that they were not known to run/jog unless they were late to get somewhere. Its bl** dy obvious that if you spend half an hour jogging to get back to where you started, and are taking huge gulps of polluted air, huge amounts of PM2.5 particles (and a lot more besides) are gonna get in your lungs
Its bl** dy obvious that if you spend half an hour jogging to get back to where you started, and are taking huge gulps of polluted air, huge amounts of PM2.5 particles (and a lot more besides) are gonna get in your lungs
...so what i do i use a freaking mask..how hard can that be..still if you would take a toke of a cigg and blow it out in the direction of your air purifier,if you have one,and compare with the worst of the worst polluted citys in THE WORLD you would still inhale "fresh air"compare to cigg smoke..So mask on it is recommended today too..Have a nice day everyone..:-)

https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/sp ... on-bad-air

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by Khun Paul » March 18, 2023, 10:38 am

I agree with all subsequent posts relating to this subject but we do have a HARD CORE of posters that bemoan abou the AQI as if breaching the 50 mark is a deah sentence to us all

I LIved in London UK When days of the SMOG were prevalent as stated by others having to walk in front of Dads care with a torch behind me so he could see where he was going , compared top that the pollution in and around Udon is MILD . It is the DUST thrown up by the vehicles from the dirty streets, building contracors and some farmers that is a bigger problem. Everyday while watering n the garden I see the miniscule deposits on the broad leaves of bushes and on my water lilies . Even inside the house dust one day , bugger me the next day you see the tin layer laying on th surfae, NOT every day but most days.

Now with the Heat and dryness the dust particles are common place , situation not changed in 20+ years not worse or better lke the UK after rain the air is cleaner and fresher but I did not want to live in a country where it rains 5 days out of seven for 52 weeks of the year, that dampness brings other more sinister problems.

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by mak » March 19, 2023, 5:09 am

Hope this rain cleans up the air.

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by Khun Paul » March 19, 2023, 6:48 am

mak wrote:
March 19, 2023, 5:09 am
Hope this rain cleans up the air.
Yep short burs of the wet stuff over my side about 5 mins at 0630 m cleans the air and makes it very pleasant

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by Drunk Monkey » March 19, 2023, 9:15 am

DM was up n about circa 6 - 630 am (best time of the day this time of year) and can report nothing over here on the posh side of town snuff dry .. Summer storms muted by the TMD and some showing on the radar just not around here,.

Nasty temps 36 -38 highs , 25-26 lows .. thats without all this feels like twaddle ..ITS HOT !!

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by Khun Paul » March 19, 2023, 9:52 am

Drunk Monkey wrote:
March 19, 2023, 9:15 am
DM was up n about circa 6 - 630 am (best time of the day this time of year) and can report nothing over here on the posh side of town snuff dry .. Summer storms muted by the TMD and some showing on the radar just not around here,.

Nasty temps 36 -38 highs , 25-26 lows .. thats without all this feels like twaddle ..ITS HOT !!

It only rains on the Godly !!

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by mak » March 20, 2023, 5:13 am

158 at Nong Prajak, while in Bangkok, Lumpini Park, it's 61.

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by Stantheman » March 20, 2023, 6:11 am

Since I'm not a brit is there some reason for posts of bl**dy versus bloody?

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by rick » March 20, 2023, 9:46 am

Last nights temp low at Baan Rick was 27.6 Centigrade on the verandah.

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by stattointhailand » March 20, 2023, 1:26 pm

Stantheman wrote:
March 20, 2023, 6:11 am
Since I'm not a brit is there some reason for posts of bl**dy versus bloody?
Not really Stan, I was just raised in an environment where if you swore you got a clip round the ear or told to wash your mouth out with soap, so I tend to use bl** dy as an expletive as opposed to bloody meaning containing lots of blood. You may also notice bleedin' (expletive) and bleeding (losing blood)
It also dates back to some early comp progs we had to use at work where c*nt/sh*t/b*llocks etc etc if spelt in full would cause hours of input to be rejected because some IT erk had deemed them "inappropriate" :evil:

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by mak » March 21, 2023, 5:11 am

Slightly better this morning, 134. However getting warmer, 27C (80F). Wearing my KN95 mask.

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by Khun Paul » March 22, 2023, 7:01 am

Last nights quick burst of rain did much to lear the air, cooled it down a tad and made this morning clearer and fresher

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by rick » March 22, 2023, 9:14 am

What rain. Not a trace at Baan Rick. Air quality not to bad, but yesterday high was 39.2 C.,and this morning low 28.2 C.
Hot season here for certain.

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by Drunk Monkey » March 22, 2023, 9:19 am

rick wrote:
March 22, 2023, 9:14 am
What rain. Not a trace at Baan Rick. Air quality not to bad, but yesterday high was 39.2 C.,and this morning low 28.2 C.
Hot season here for certain.
No rain again here , it seems KP is getting it all ovver yonder , looking ahead forecast much the same rick late 30s even 40s with not so lows of 26 -28 ..last night at 11pm it was still 34 .. Betty Swallocks indeed.

Chance of a summer storm bubbling up at any time.

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by Earnest » March 23, 2023, 2:05 am

Check this out, fat lads:

https://www.iqair.com/thailand/changwat ... udon-thani

PM2.5 main pollutant, which I think is fine particles of oil, petrol, diesel, burned wood, etc. Am I right?
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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by Whistler » March 23, 2023, 5:05 am

Filthy atmosphere, skies Gray with pollutants. I am normally ok but now sneezing and coughing
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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by Khun Paul » March 23, 2023, 6:49 am

Whistler wrote:
March 23, 2023, 5:05 am
Filthy atmosphere, skies Gray with pollutants. I am normally ok but now sneezing and coughing
I have a cure for you Whistle.....stop breathing, no problems................haha

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Re: Udon Thani Air Pollution

Post by Drunk Monkey » March 23, 2023, 8:01 am

Earnest wrote:
March 23, 2023, 2:05 am
Check this out, fat lads:

https://www.iqair.com/thailand/changwat ... udon-thani

PM2.5 main pollutant, which I think is fine particles of oil, petrol, diesel, burned wood, etc. Am I right?
Whistler wrote:
March 23, 2023, 5:05 am
Filthy atmosphere, skies Gray with pollutants. I am normally ok but now sneezing and coughing
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Claret n Blue all way thru .. Up the Iron
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8 minutes is the point of lift off !!!!!!!

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