Scotland Yard

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Scotland Yard

Post by mak » March 21, 2023, 8:45 am

Scotland Yard is 'broken' and its 'rotten' ranks are riven with racism, misogyny and homophobia, a shock review says today.
Where is Sir Robert Peel when we need him.
Last edited by mak on March 21, 2023, 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by karonsteve » March 21, 2023, 9:35 am

Says who?

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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by mak » March 21, 2023, 9:39 am

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Khun Paul
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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by Khun Paul » March 21, 2023, 11:45 am

Being an ex-copper, I object to the article that states Racism is institutional , however I have in my serevice found cppers that are Racist and most of them have been called out .
The big problem with the Metropolitan Police is it is TOO big . As London expanded so did the Met, absorbing othr smaller police forces that surrounded it or stealing the areas under other forces control .
As their funding comes dire3ctly from the HOME OFFICE accountability is minimal whereas County Forces have Local councillors and other notable persons sitting in judgement of that Force so Polie Officers are more aware of accountability and tnd not to be as heavy handed, ignorant and blatantly racist but there are still some , by the nature of the job, when a person opf colour states you ar only arresting me because I am black , often it is difficult not to educate them !! Boby cams does away with a lot of problems, but these days of Mobile phones and everyone is a film director the fine line is lost and respect is down more so when you see constant videos on streaming programmes that show officers being bloody stupid . Not onloy in the UK, rarely but in other countries it is as if, man Puts on Uniform remove brain in some cases .

What all surveys fail to state is the sheer amount of abuse opne gets even just walking down the road on your beat as it were. The day before my last day when a person of colour was brought in for beating up his girl-friend and baby daughter ( high on drugs ), his first comment was another white trash is not bpooking me in this -----hole. After a collegue of mine a 6.4 inch tall W£est Indian officer got hold of him by the scruff of the neck and threw him into a cell, did he start apologising`. Nedless o say some houyrs later he was deemed off drugs enough to talk. Had I done what my cvolleague did I would have served time for cruelty. So i goes both ways

The Majority of the British Police do not express their feelings, it si considered not good practice 1

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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by karonsteve » March 21, 2023, 2:16 pm

Thanks. I'll take the time to read it before commenting.

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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by stattointhailand » March 21, 2023, 3:07 pm

I hope she learned from her report about Rotherham where ....

"However, Casey's report was also heavily criticised by social work academics in Community Care in March 2015:

"There are troubling aspects of the report...the process by which it was prepared, in particular the lack of rigor [sic] and transparency in the methods used to gather and analyse data...This gap [in methodology] ...should concern us as it goes to the heart of issues of accuracy."

before she did this report

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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by rick » March 21, 2023, 5:19 pm

My brother used to do drug busts for Customs ans Excise; he told me they had to have MET officers there at the actual bust but dare not give them the address to be raided until 5 minutes before, otherwise the targets and evidence would usually be gone.

I wonder why....

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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by deankham » March 21, 2023, 6:50 pm

and we dare to criticise the BiB....

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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by stattointhailand » March 21, 2023, 7:09 pm

The met (and other forces around the country) are no different to the media and TV ........ they are just doing the govts dirty work for them. Interestingly it only took "the party of law & order" just over 12 years to notice there was a problem, but i'm sure that (just like any budget benefits) they will sort it in 2025 (after the next election)

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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by Earnest » March 22, 2023, 1:45 am

Khun Paul wrote:
March 21, 2023, 11:45 am
The big problem with the Metropolitan Police is it is TOO big .
Yes, but some thoughts, sir...

It's probably very difficult to police such a city that's arguably no longer English but more likely multi-cultural.

NYPD and LAPD probably suffer from similar cultural issues.

There are people in Blighty who would be very happy to see the demise of the Met but have no idea what would replace it.

I think I'd prefer Met policemen to be bastards rather than pink and fluffy cross dressers with rainbow shoelaces who take the knee. There are some nasty people walking about London.

Politicians and Media should consider morale, retention and recruitment before sticking the boot in.
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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » March 22, 2023, 12:24 pm

Earnest wrote:
March 22, 2023, 1:45 am
Khun Paul wrote:
March 21, 2023, 11:45 am
The big problem with the Metropolitan Police is it is TOO big .
Yes, but some thoughts, sir...

It's probably very difficult to police such a city that's arguably no longer English but more likely multi-cultural.

NYPD and LAPD probably suffer from similar cultural issues.

There are people in Blighty who would be very happy to see the demise of the Met but have no idea what would replace it.

I think I'd prefer Met policemen to be bastards rather than pink and fluffy cross dressers with rainbow shoelaces who take the knee. There are some nasty people walking about London.

Politicians and Media should consider morale, retention and recruitment before sticking the boot in.
Count Toronto in too. Furthermore the Woke crowd want to defund the police. They have already made it a law that you cannot mention the colour and origin of suspected criminals. This applies to high schools too. I got in trouble for saying, over a walkie-talkie, that a suspect inside the school was black, was wearing a red jacket and black pants. I was warned that I would be fired if I ever identified someone as being black again. Chinese and East Indian students are accused of being too white and being too successful academically. Universities are advised to cut back on the number of East Asian and East Indian students so more indigenous and black students can be admitted. Discriminate against more non-whites to admit more non-whites. The upshot is that the number of white students stays the same, but less East Asians and East Indians make the cut. And on and on it goes.
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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by Khun Paul » March 22, 2023, 3:25 pm

I will mot comment further on the problems the Metropolitan Police face as comparing them to other well known Police Forces upsets the Woke and the PC brigade, suffice to say every Police Force has Bad Apples, some more than most .
Some also have inbuilt immunity for actions taken, some think they have that immunity but are now being proved no such immunity exists and most of the Officers I knew across many countries and Police Forces are I knew over 30 years the vast majority of those Officers were reasonably good .

But as life is changing so is the perception of what a Police Officer does, with the public losing Common-sense and the ability to actually communicate without using an electronic device so the norms of everyday life are changing, what used to be the basic starting point of an officer being there to assist you is now challenged at every level . Respect that once was a given is no longer there, not only for the Police but everywhere !

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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by Udon Map » March 23, 2023, 3:15 am

Khun Paul wrote:
March 22, 2023, 3:25 pm
I will mot comment further on the problems the Metropolitan Police face as comparing them to other well known Police Forces upsets the Woke and the PC brigade....
Nothing to do with being woke or PC. I removed a post in which Khun Paul directly accused the RTP of corruption. As nearly everyone else here knows, such accusations against any part of the government or Royal Family are inappropriate and not permitted.

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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by stattointhailand » March 23, 2023, 1:54 pm

If they halved the amount of plod sitting behind desks in offices and doubled the amount of uniformed plod on the beat it would be a start. Having someone turn up to talk about a theft/assault etc would restore at least some respect for the force. Just talking to a victim on the phone gains the same respect as a double glazing salesman

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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by Earnest » March 24, 2023, 9:17 pm

Hmm, true.
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Re: Scotland Yard

Post by Khun Paul » March 25, 2023, 7:45 am

Many years ago as beat Officer with a sizable beat ( a tradition no longer it seems ) I was often asked why the POLICE NO LONGER ATTNED as they used to and I realised that sadly the Publics perception of the Police was irrevocably altered by TV shows. Yes there used to be Dixon of Dock Green `good old fashioned policing BUT then that was superseeded by Z cars , etc and other Police type programmes where the Police turned up quickly solved the crime in 30 minutes and went away. Offenders quickly admitted guilt etc etc.
Nothing sadly could be further from reality but the public did not see it that way , the onset of Panda cars, the Communication upgrades, no longer meeting the Sgt at specified points . the radical shift away from the Policeman actually walking the beat be that in town or in the village had gone .

One is not allowed to compare Police Forces on this forum for fear of offending , but when was the last time you actually a police officer just walking down the road on patrol anywhere, here or anywhere else.
We had a Customer service desk in my station and in fact the public could speak to an officer ( not a civilian ) to discuss anything, if a visit was needed that was arranged, but over 70% was dealt with over the phone and I was held responsible for my actions and decisions ,everything even then was fully recorded .So attempts have been made to reach oput but n many places not enough. The Met are as I have said before TOO big to operate in fulfilling the public perception bu one has to ask what does the Public want , having seen many many videos from other countries, where the first action is confrontation coupled with a hand being put on a gun ( and that is the Police ) then thanks I stick with the British style.

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