Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

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Udon Map
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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Udon Map » April 1, 2023, 6:18 pm

Khun Paul wrote:
April 1, 2023, 9:24 am
Udon Map wrote:
April 1, 2023, 8:22 am
Khun Paul wrote:
April 1, 2023, 7:04 am
You seem un able to get a really logical or even provable explanation for anything about anything in the US....
Easy. Nothing in particular wrong with the payment to Ms. Daniels by itself. The problems start with his deducting the payment as a business expense. That's tax fraud. And it goes on from there.
In other words he LIED, that is what a vast majority of US Politicans do every day for example, Jim Jordan, MTG, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, to name but a few , consistently lie and after fact checking NOT ONE WORD of apology and YET millions suck up their utterancesw as if they were GODS. sad even in these liberal times that sane thinking Americans supposedly intelligent and well educated think these people are okay in running for the CONGRESS or SENATE. Americans are getting what they voted for and i have zero sympathy for them !!!!!!!!!!!
I doubt that they have much interest in your sympathy. From a legal perspective (which is where we started), lying, by itself, is neither a crime nor an impeachable offense.

And no need to limit it to U.S. politicians. U.K. politicians don't lie? Surely you're not that naïve.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by jackspratt » April 1, 2023, 7:14 pm

Udon Map wrote:
April 1, 2023, 6:18 pm
U.K. politicians don't lie? Surely you're not that naïve.
He is.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Earnest » April 2, 2023, 2:26 am

There's Jeffery Archer, of course. who did time at Her Majesty's pleasure for telling porkie pies in court and I'm looking forward to Boris being frog marched from Tory Party HQ for telling fibs about his parties in No.10. Lies are expected from British politicians but it's the incompetence I can't abide.

I'm trying to recall when Obama blatantly lied but nothing comes to mind, can someone help?

Trump will not appear in court in handcuffs - lawyer

Source: BBC
Donald Trump's court hearing has been set for Tuesday afternoon, according to the BBC's US partner CBS News...
Mr Trump will not be handcuffed, (the official added, saying that) shackles are typically only used on suspects who are thought to be a flight or safety risk.
My brackets.
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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Khun Paul » April 2, 2023, 7:06 am

jackspratt wrote:
April 1, 2023, 7:14 pm
Udon Map wrote:
April 1, 2023, 6:18 pm
U.K. politicians don't lie? Surely you're not that naïve.
He is.
AS this post was about Donald TRUMP , I was NOT referring to any other country because it was out of context, when I do write out of context the Moderator bans my post, so unless you allow out of context posts I will keep to the OP subject matter. !!
AS to other countries politicians naturally I will be pleased to comment on the right POST !!

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by JimboPSM » April 2, 2023, 6:15 pm

About a day after news broke that Treasonous Scum 45 had been “indicated” multiple news agencies began reporting that their “sources” were indicating that the indictment contained some 30 counts.

As it would be rather difficult to get much more than a handful of counts relating to the Stormy Daniels affair, it will be interesting to see what is contained in all the other counts when the indictment is unsealed (currently scheduled for Tuesday).

As the indictment comes from the offices of the Manhattan DA it would not come as much of a surprise (if reports of those 30 or so counts are correct) that they primarily relate to business fraud conducted by the Trump organisation in New York.

It should not be forgotten that authorities have not only had access to hts tax returns for some time but also have had evidence gleaned from the trials of his former lawyer (Michael Cohen) and his former CFO (Allen Weisselberg) and they will have been able to compare and contrast the information in the tax returns with the information provided to and the amounts paid to his insurers and to the NYC authorities.

Although it may just be pure coincidence it is also interesting that Allen Weisselberg had recently changed lawyers.

Other areas where there is strong circumstantial evidence of corruption and fraud (such as breaches of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and money laundering regulations) will probably be under the remit of Federal authorities and/or other jurisdictions.

Ashamed to be English since 23rd June 2016 when England voted for racism & economic suicide.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Udon Map » April 2, 2023, 6:38 pm

Khun Paul wrote:
April 2, 2023, 7:06 am
jackspratt wrote:
April 1, 2023, 7:14 pm
Udon Map wrote:
April 1, 2023, 6:18 pm
U.K. politicians don't lie? Surely you're not that naïve.
He is.
AS this post was about Donald TRUMP , I was NOT referring to any other country because it was out of context, when I do write out of context the Moderator bans my post, so unless you allow out of context posts I will keep to the OP subject matter. !!

AS to other countries politicians naturally I will be pleased to comment on the right POST !!
If the entire thread was only talking about U.S. politicians, why did you feel the need to specify U.S. in your post? That was the genesis of my comment.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by JimboPSM » April 3, 2023, 3:21 am

A rather sad and pathetic collection of snowflakes, obsequious fawning sycophants and coke heads.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Kenr6583 » April 3, 2023, 12:15 pm

JimboPSM wrote:
April 3, 2023, 3:21 am
A rather sad and pathetic collection of snowflakes, obsequious fawning sycophants and coke heads.


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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » April 5, 2023, 11:34 am

That was quite a performance by Donald Trump this morning. He declared war on the U.S. system of justice. Although he made a few points about Biden and his son, and others escaping prosecution, there is no doubt that he should be arrested and locked up for his inflammatory comments. He has to learn to work within the system if he wants to fight it, not to issue a call to destroy it. Gag him before it gets worse.
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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Whistler » April 5, 2023, 12:15 pm


A bully and a coward are two sides of the same coin.

I look forward to seeing this man a blubbering mess. What a dreadful shame that the win-at-all-cost GOP are not indighted at the same time as they share his sins.

It is now too late I fear for him to relinquish the cult hero status he has acquired. America can hardly heal while the cult followers refuse to see the truth.
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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by jackspratt » April 5, 2023, 12:17 pm

The process of draining the swamp has begun. 👍

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » April 5, 2023, 2:09 pm

Whistler wrote:
April 5, 2023, 12:15 pm

A bully and a coward are two sides of the same coin.

I look forward to seeing this man a blubbering mess. What a dreadful shame that the win-at-all-cost GOP are not indighted at the same time as they share his sins.

It is now too late I fear for him to relinquish the cult hero status he has acquired. America can hardly heal while the cult followers refuse to see the truth.
Yes, Saloth Sar (Pol Pot) was a coward too, but I don't think that applies to Mao, Stalin and Franco to name a few.
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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Whistler » April 5, 2023, 2:16 pm

Not all had to face their Waterloo. I have not read a lot about Franco but both Stalin and Mao executed those they thought could harm them, they pre-empted any challenges.

Our hero Trump would not bat an eyelid throwing people under a bus. Pence and Barr being only two examples. I doubt, if it was in his power, that assassinations would bother him.
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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by glalt » April 5, 2023, 2:21 pm

For anyone except Trump, all those charges would be misdemeanors. The New York DA shot himself in the foot. The entire mess should be thrown out of court. This will not end well for the New York DA. Politicians should start doing their jobs rather than playing silly games. That applies to all the corrupt politicians of which there are many corrupt career leeches.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Whistler » April 5, 2023, 2:54 pm

Galt, have you read all of the charges? Which of the 30 odd charges can be handled as a misdemeanour?

The booking fraud could be a misdemeanour on its own, but if it was done to cover up another crime, it is criminal. The prosecution claims that the cover up broke state Tax laws, as well as campaign fund disclosure laws.

Let's see how it pans out before prejudging 34 individual charges.
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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Kenr6583 » April 6, 2023, 2:01 am

glalt wrote:
April 5, 2023, 2:21 pm
For anyone except Trump, all those charges would be misdemeanors. The New York DA shot himself in the foot. The entire mess should be thrown out of court. This will not end well for the New York DA. Politicians should start doing their jobs rather than playing silly games. That applies to all the corrupt politicians of which there are many corrupt career leeches.
Lets see if you can follow. Hush money was paid, totally legal. When it became illegal is when an attorney pays the hush money and then the money is paid back as a legal expense through a company, thus falsifying company business records in order to reduce the company's tax liability and deceive the state tax authority. But your only response is always the same; but, but, but, what about, what about, what about.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Khun Paul » April 6, 2023, 7:01 am

knew this would happen unthinking TRUMP delusionists always protectng a man who by his own admission has bent the trules so oftn , sraight legal living is no longer in his vocabulary, dividing AMERICA, like no-one else has except perhaps the CIVIL War ( whos hisory and culture sill divides ). In any civilised society his verbal attacks on the State its judiciay and personal attacks on cerain people would see him at least order to be quiet at least and YET HE is allowed to insult, attack verbally and claim it is his right .
Those people who like him must therefore be like him arrogant egotistical and ignorant of the world around themselves.. Yet hey call America civilised, !!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by glalt » April 6, 2023, 9:09 am

It's simply dirty politics. Time will tell if anything will come of it.Trump admits that he pays as little taxes as possible. The tax code has so many loopholes that it is even possible that it will turn out to be perfectly legal.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Kenr6583 » April 6, 2023, 9:36 am

glalt wrote:
April 6, 2023, 9:09 am
It's simply dirty politics. Time will tell if anything will come of it.Trump admits that he pays as little taxes as possible. The tax code has so many loopholes that it is even possible that it will turn out to be perfectly legal.
The Trump Organization was already found guilty last year of tax fraud and had to pay taxes owed, interest, and a penalty of over $1 million. There’s nothing legal about it, and the Trump’s know it. The only question is whether it’s a felony or a misdemeanor. That’s Eric thinks his dad should get a “pass” because of who he is. That’s why his lawyer, Cohen, did time in club Fed, because it wasn’t legal. Good to know that you support tax cheats.

And you are correct, he has all these legal loopholes at his disposal but he feels the need to cheat to get more. A true American hero.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Khun Paul » April 6, 2023, 9:55 am

Again any response to any post on this subject is deleted by the owner as any criticism is not allowed under a typical immunty clause, the owner can spout rubbish but others can say nothing

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