Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by jackspratt » April 9, 2023, 7:49 pm

I'm not sure whether attempting to overthrow democracy fits under treason, but to me that is the most egregious of his many crimes.

I can't help but notice that the Map cultists and Trumplodytes have been very quiet on this subject over the past year or two. Perhaps the scales are finally falling off their eyes.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by JimboPSM » April 9, 2023, 10:40 pm

jackspratt wrote:
April 9, 2023, 7:49 pm
..... I can't help but notice that the Map cultists and Trumplodytes have been very quiet on this subject over the past year or two. Perhaps the scales are finally falling off their eyes.
There is already a parallel to this on the forum.

As evidence of the lunacy, sheer dumb stupidity and economic illiteracy of Brexit became increasingly impossible to deny, so all but the most gullible, gormless, feeble minded and easily brainwashed of those that supported the Brexit BS became increasingly silent.

There never has been (in any way, shape or form) anything that could objectively be considered to be a legitimate, rational, economically viable and logistically implementable plan for Brexit that would not only impoverish the majority of UK citizens (while bankrupting many UK businesses) but also erode and remove many of their democratic rights & freedoms.

Those like myself (with knowledge and experience of areas that would be impacted by Brexit) and those that did their homework always knew that Brexit would be an unmitigated economic disaster – and so it has proven to be.

Ashamed to be English since 23rd June 2016 when England voted for racism & economic suicide.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Khun Paul » April 10, 2023, 6:51 am

While the downside of many actions both here and in the Us are interesting. One has to say the Americans get the Political ad LaEnforcement system both seriousy flawed that they voted for , so that is heir problem and if I remember correctly Brexit was organised because the majority of those who voted YES wished to remove an so-called elected body across the water of interfering in our way of life as we knew it.
Judging by the problems currently in Europe, good job we did , we may in the interim suffer , but we are at least free of insane and often weird laws ( that defied common-sense ) that we had to abide by .

Now the British need to start voting in sensible politicians who will work for the people , not the other way around as happens in America .

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by jackspratt » April 10, 2023, 9:05 am

I understand where you are coming from, Jimbo - but surely it is all worth it to get blue cover passports back. ;)

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Udon Map » April 10, 2023, 5:15 pm

Khun Paul wrote:
April 10, 2023, 6:51 am
While the downside of many actions both here and in the Us are interesting. One has to say the Americans get the Political ad LaEnforcement system both seriousy flawed that they voted for . . . .
The American people did not, and do not, vote to enact or enforce laws. Federal laws are enacted by Congress, -- the House of Representatives and the Senate. State laws by the state legislatures (with exceptions for direct citizens legislation in some states). Laws are enforced by prosecutors, who are elected by the people, but the people do not decide who is prosecuted. Federal judges are appointed, state judges are appointed in most states, elected in a few. The people vote directly for the members of Congress and the members of the state legislatures. It's a classic trusteeship form of government.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by AlexO » April 10, 2023, 6:21 pm

JimboPSM wrote:
April 9, 2023, 10:40 pm
jackspratt wrote:
April 9, 2023, 7:49 pm
..... I can't help but notice that the Map cultists and Trumplodytes have been very quiet on this subject over the past year or two. Perhaps the scales are finally falling off their eyes.
There is already a parallel to this on the forum.

As evidence of the lunacy, sheer dumb stupidity and economic illiteracy of Brexit became increasingly impossible to deny, so all but the most gullible, gormless, feeble minded and easily brainwashed of those that supported the Brexit BS became increasingly silent.

There never has been (in any way, shape or form) anything that could objectively be considered to be a legitimate, rational, economically viable and logistically implementable plan for Brexit that would not only impoverish the majority of UK citizens (while bankrupting many UK businesses) but also erode and remove many of their democratic rights & freedoms.

Those like myself (with knowledge and experience of areas that would be impacted by Brexit) and those that did their homework always knew that Brexit would be an unmitigated economic disaster – and so it has proven to be.

You have been banging the same drum on your absolute disagreement with Brexit. You have for years spoke about economic disaster and now you claim all your doom and disaster predictions have come to be proven without one piece of evidence that any Businesses were bankrupted, what democratic rights and freedoms have been lost and where the unmitigated economic disaster actually occurred. Please don't identify Covid or Russia's invasion of a peaceful neibour related problems, just the absolute disasters you have said are proven to be caused by the UK leaving the Dictatorship.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by AlexO » April 10, 2023, 6:45 pm

jackspratt wrote:
April 9, 2023, 7:49 pm
I'm not sure whether attempting to overthrow democracy fits under treason, but to me that is the most egregious of his many crimes.

I can't help but notice that the Map cultists and Trumplodytes have been very quiet on this subject over the past year or two. Perhaps the scales are finally falling off their eyes.
I for one was supportive of Trump in the early days of his Presidencey primarily because of the absolute vehemence of the attacks by the left wing members of this forum. I thought the attacks on a democratically elected POTUS were just a massive bit OTT. As his reign progressed it became fairly obvious that he was not quite the world leader that the USA and the free world needs. His behaviour immediately after his loss to Biden was absolutely uncalled for and not what is needed. I am not afraid to put my hand up and say I WAS WRONG. The fact that there is a chance of Trump and Biden fighting it out again when both should be nearer the local care home than the White House for me a sad reflection on politics in the Leaders of the Free World. Surely age and in Trumps case being absolutely the wrong person for the job should be a worry for all except PooTin.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by jackspratt » April 10, 2023, 8:02 pm

AlexO wrote:
April 10, 2023, 6:45 pm

I for one was supportive of Trump in the early days of his Presidencey primarily because of the absolute vehemence of the attacks by the left wing members of this forum. I thought the attacks on a democratically elected POTUS were just a massive bit OTT.
It seems the "left wing members" of the forum were right all along. 👍

Trump was a dud then, is still a dud now, and will always be a dud.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Kenr6583 » April 10, 2023, 8:11 pm

You didn't have to be left wing to have a distaste for the previous POTUS from the very beginning.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by AlexO » April 10, 2023, 8:21 pm

jackspratt wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:02 pm
AlexO wrote:
April 10, 2023, 6:45 pm

I for one was supportive of Trump in the early days of his Presidencey primarily because of the absolute vehemence of the attacks by the left wing members of this forum. I thought the attacks on a democratically elected POTUS were just a massive bit OTT.
It seems the "left wing members" of the forum were right all along. 👍

Trump was a dud then, is still a dud now, and will always be a dud.
The main left wing posters were taking delight in outdoing each other with the absolute gutter level of their insults, which if not hiding behind false identities might have been subject to some form of legal action. The strange thing that many of the said posters were not citizens of the USA and really had no first hand information except the Left Wing Media who as anybody with a modicum of common sense knows do not have reputations for accuracy in their diatribes against all things not left of Karl Marx writings. I have already put my hands up but will not stoop to the levels of insults so beloved of some. Your reply to the moderators thoughts on posting is noted.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by AlexO » April 10, 2023, 8:27 pm

Kenr6583 wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:11 pm
You didn't have to be left wing to have a distaste for the previous POTUS from the very beginning.
But what everyone seems to forget is that a majority of USA citizens disagreed and voted for him first time round. They cannot have all been gun toting Rednecks quoting Amendment 2, or were they just having a protest vote against Mrs. Clinton?

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Kenr6583 » April 10, 2023, 8:34 pm

AlexO wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:27 pm
Kenr6583 wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:11 pm
You didn't have to be left wing to have a distaste for the previous POTUS from the very beginning.
But what everyone seems to forget is that a majority of USA citizens disagreed and voted for him first time round. They cannot have all been gun toting Rednecks quoting Amendment 2, or were they just having a protest vote against Mrs. Clinton?
By looking at the number of votes on both sides compared to 2016 and 2020, a lot more voter turnout in 2020. I doubt just because they didn't vote for Clinton they voted for Trump, they just didn't vote.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by jackspratt » April 10, 2023, 8:40 pm

AlexO wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:27 pm
Kenr6583 wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:11 pm
You didn't have to be left wing to have a distaste for the previous POTUS from the very beginning.
But what everyone seems to forget is that a majority of USA citizens disagreed and voted for him first time round.
No, they didn't.

Look it up.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Kenr6583 » April 10, 2023, 8:45 pm

jackspratt wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:40 pm
AlexO wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:27 pm
Kenr6583 wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:11 pm
You didn't have to be left wing to have a distaste for the previous POTUS from the very beginning.
But what everyone seems to forget is that a majority of USA citizens disagreed and voted for him first time round.
No, they didn't.

Look it up.
Yes, Clinton got the popular vote, by several million. Didn't win the Electoral College, which is the only one that counts.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by AlexO » April 10, 2023, 9:06 pm

jackspratt wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:40 pm
AlexO wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:27 pm
Kenr6583 wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:11 pm
You didn't have to be left wing to have a distaste for the previous POTUS from the very beginning.
But what everyone seems to forget is that a majority of USA citizens disagreed and voted for him first time round.
No, they didn't.

Look it up.
Ah Pratty dear boy,
My bad, forgot that the big cities full of WOKE snowflakes and worse voted for the corrupt Clinton family, but that the system the USA use to prevent the big cities overwhelming the heartlands did give a majority of Electoral College votes to Trump. Thus giving him the democratic majority to become POTUS. Thanks for the heads up Ken.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by jackspratt » April 10, 2023, 9:15 pm

Glad we got that sorted, Alex.

So we agree that the majority of USA citizens didn't vote for Trump in 2016.

That wasn't so hard, was it. :D

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Stantheman » April 10, 2023, 9:29 pm

jackspratt wrote:
April 10, 2023, 9:15 pm
Glad we got that sorted, Alex.

So we agree that the majority of USA citizens didn't vote for Trump in 2016.

That wasn't so hard, was it. :D
And didn't in 2020 also

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Stantheman » April 10, 2023, 9:37 pm

AlexO wrote:
April 10, 2023, 9:06 pm
jackspratt wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:40 pm
AlexO wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:27 pm
Kenr6583 wrote:
April 10, 2023, 8:11 pm
You didn't have to be left wing to have a distaste for the previous POTUS from the very beginning.
But what everyone seems to forget is that a majority of USA citizens disagreed and voted for him first time round.
No, they didn't.

Look it up.
Ah Pratty dear boy,
My bad, forgot that the big cities full of WOKE snowflakes and worse voted for the corrupt Clinton family, but that the system the USA use to prevent the big cities overwhelming the heartlands did give a majority of Electoral College votes to Trump. Thus giving him the democratic majority to become POTUS. Thanks for the heads up Ken.
Don't know what's worse, the corrupt Clinton family or the corrupt Trump family, who had their supporters storm the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow the results of the VALID election.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by Whistler » April 10, 2023, 9:43 pm

Trump won in 2016, Trump lost in 2020, in both cases, Trump lost the total electoral majority. Under the American system, he was the legitimate winner in 2016.

The big difference, Hillary conceded in 2016 and accepted the constitutional system in the USA, Trump did not in 2020 and that is a huge difference.
Best being part of this forum by placing the intellectual challenged on foes list. A lot less post to read and a great time saver.

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Re: Donald Trump within a few days of criminal charges

Post by AlexO » April 10, 2023, 10:13 pm

Whistler wrote:
April 10, 2023, 9:43 pm
Trump won in 2016, Trump lost in 2020, in both cases, Trump lost the total electoral majority. Under the American system, he was the legitimate winner in 2016.

The big difference, Hillary conceded in 2016 and accepted the constitutional system in the USA, Trump did not in 2020 and that is a huge difference.
Exactly why I find it unbelievable that he is again being touted as the Republican candidate in the 2024 elections. But more so Biden who has visibly physically deteriorated over the last 3 years. Surly somewhere in the USA there are better, younger candidates on both sides who can do the job even if they are less than the 'saintly' or never been caught candidates normally required.
Last edited by AlexO on April 10, 2023, 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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