Danger Signs

Long distance relationships, mixed relationships etc...
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Post by yorkman » December 1, 2005, 3:28 am

OK Gary,

That was not clear from your posts.....this sounds very much like you have a good one.....and when good they are very good.

I am very lucky to be self employed...so I had the opportunity to do 5 times in a year in Thailand....about 5 years ago....after we met for the first time in BKK.

You are not warned?....you are one of the wiser ones... yes slow is best and I met my wife in a normal work environment. I saw all this stuff (actually I checked many times.... we joke about this now..seeing as there are many naysayers (SP?) on the net...my job is computers and internet related and I saw and still see all the disenchanted people) and its not about them only..its about you and your outlook.

Despite this.....the above list still rings true.

You have the perfect approach IMHO.......there are some lovely ladies in Thailand....if I was not happily married and would risk my relationship I would be all over them like a bad rash...

But.......be very careful about the others (Not you)

Last edited by yorkman on December 1, 2005, 4:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by BangkokButcher » December 1, 2005, 4:07 am

I am trying sooooo very hard not to get my teeth into this one....but can honestly say it's turning out to be quite an interesting thread :lol:

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Post by BobHelm » December 1, 2005, 4:12 am

BangkokButcher wrote:I am trying sooooo very hard not to get my teeth into this one....but can honestly say it's turning out to be quite an interesting thread :lol:
Ahhhh go on Sean. go for it :D I am sure that you could add something worth a read..... :D

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Post by yorkman » December 1, 2005, 4:22 am

Yes...go for it..personal and honest experience is always appreciated.....the "barfly in Pattaya" can be ignored because its an angry man because of himself. Whats your "teeth"? we all have opinion right or wrong...

Last edited by yorkman on December 1, 2005, 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by valentine » December 1, 2005, 8:23 am

Just a slight aside. While in a bookshop in Udon yesterday, my wife showed me a little Thai script book that had the title"Phrases to use when writing to farangs on the internet"I just had to flick through it, and yes"My family buffalo is sick" was there. Everyone looked at me like I was mad, I was laughing so much.I understand it is a best seller.

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Post by businessman » December 1, 2005, 12:37 pm

It's very easy when stepping off the plane the first time in Thailand to lose your head at the amazing women you see.Patience is what is needed,but who can be so on a two week holiday.

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Post by Thai_1_On » December 1, 2005, 12:57 pm

businessman wrote:It's very easy when stepping off the plane the first time in Thailand to lose your head at the amazing women you see.
I have to agree with Marcus on this. I remember my first trip to LOS I had the OMG look on my face the whole time...well as long as A wasn't watching :wink: I can see where a newbie wouldn't stand a chance with out some outside help from seasoned vets of LOS.
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Post by businessman » December 1, 2005, 1:04 pm

Are there any single guys who regularly post on this forum?I think most have been there,seen it,done it and have good advice to give.

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Post by JimboPSM » December 1, 2005, 1:31 pm

A few comments on the thread so far:

From Paul
Its a dominant male forum
it may be, but please don't let my wife find out :lol:

Couple of danger signs which I think may have been missed above, apologies if wrong:
Owning multiple mobile phones
Good knowledge of western alcoholic drinks

Away from the danger signs, a very warm welcome Bangsean Girl :D

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Post by businessman » December 1, 2005, 2:14 pm

Where are my manners?Welcome to our new female member and Thai to boot.Like a breath of fresh air. :)


Post by valentine » December 1, 2005, 2:41 pm

One thing omitted by everyone so far, quite frankly because like me, no one knows what the signs are, only the repercussions. Thats the brother who moves in to keep his "sister" from being lonely whilst you go back to earn some more money to keep "them"
The only thing you can do is arrange a departure date, then don't go but go back home after a couple of days, preferably early morning, and catch them in bed together.If she still maintains its her brother, report them for having an incestual relationship.Lol


Post by valentine » December 1, 2005, 2:43 pm

Further to that post, a friend has suggested the return of the chastity belt!! Thats an idea. lol

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Post by businessman » December 1, 2005, 2:50 pm

Val,i think the "brother" moving in must also be in a book somewhere as i must of heard it a dozen times over the years.To top it all the farang will often say something crazy like "there so close,not like brother and sister at all" :)

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Post by banpaeng » December 1, 2005, 9:59 pm

yorkman wrote:
Galee wrote:
Out of all the "Danger Signs" mentioned I reckon only one of them would relate to my GF.

That one is talking about marriage, but as she's in her 30's and has never been married and we both knew we were looking for a LTR when we met, I think it's an understandable request.


Oh yes, welcome aboard Bangsean Girl.
Yep....providing you have actually "met" and its not just an internet thing.....and have seen and understand how her life is and her outlook....that seems very reasonable.

I know a girl here who is shortly to marry a man not a long distance at all away from you..about 50 miles....in her 30's also and unmarried (circumstances only, she is lovely) and she is a very nice totally honest woman....and a good friend to me and my family.

Its the long distance...or 2 weeks in Thailand......overly absorbed with the beautiful thai girl (on the outside,maybe) people thats the discussion here I think.

If she only wants a loving relationship, first and foremost, and you are sure..the rest comes later as is normal in relationships all over the world IMHO.....then you will get an excellent wife and partner in life who would fight to the death for you. This thread is just about the others..... and there are many many here..its a cottage industry

Thanks John as this is what I meant by church goers. There are some great ladies in Thailand with good hearts in every occupation.

I to agree with the danger signs but to overlook the good ladies or as stated eairler (ones that change their spots) is not right.

I think Galee is 100% right the word is slowwwwww. It is the folks that come to Thailand for the first time and get married within a week that really need to read the signs.

I can actually say did not meet wife in bar but know tons of friend that did and have some jewels for wives. Know some that met thier wives in bar and wish they had never seen each other. It iws the person not what they have done or not done in their past.

Saying that, their are scam artist evrywhere. At least the Thais have not made the news here in the US with this scam. The Russians have made the news a bunch. Lets see, if I was single, lonely, and looking and doing a bit of looking and had decided to go the agency thing, what would I do. Lets see, the Russians and Indians have made the news here as scam artist :shock: rule them out. Seems like the most sucessful are Aussies and Asians. Gold diggers are gold diggers no matter what country. [-X Sounds like that is where I head.

These guys really need to read the lessons learned. Should that stop them, I think not. Should it give them something to think about, it should. Will they Heed any of it, who know, but at that point it is buyer beware attitude.

Wonder what the list would look like if the roles were reversed? What to look for in a falang and watch out for? Maybe BangSean and her friends would like to make a list for us. Might be interesting!!! :shock:

As Mr. Valentine wrote, there are some sweet ladies that are on this ride for whatever reason. Hope they meet someone good and not the wife abuser that also prey on agency girls because they cannot check up before they marry him. That is the flip side. :yikes:

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Post by BangkokButcher » December 2, 2005, 2:20 am

I also forgot my manners, Bangsean Girl, welcome to the forum :)

And guys, my contribution to the topic is currently being worked on...in between plucking the turkeys 8)

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Post by wansman » December 2, 2005, 2:58 am

banpaeng wrote: Wonder what the list would look like if the roles were reversed? What to look for in a falang and watch out for? Maybe BangSean and her friends would like to make a list for us. Might be interesting!!! :shock:
How about just what do Thai ladies look for in a husband in general. Not specifically a falang. The response may help me to be a better husband. I don't want to know what Waen expects from me because I always have 1000 B in my wallet because I don't think that she cares. What I want to know is, is there anything that I do not know that she looks for in a MAN.
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Post by yorkman » December 2, 2005, 3:53 am

wansman wrote:is there anything that I do not know that she looks for in a MAN.
The simplest thing would be to ask her......
wansman wrote: The response may help me to be a better husband.
And she would appreciate your concern and view you as a better husband, surely

Slightly off topic.but what the heck.. at least I hope its off topic :shock:

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Post by wansman » December 2, 2005, 12:14 pm

yorkman wrote:The simplest thing would be to ask her...... And she would appreciate your concern and view you as a better husband, surely
Well I do but just looking for an outside opinion.

BTW, you guys have to stop adding to this list as you are starting to scare me. After the first 10 Waen fit into about 1.5 of them. Then you added a couple of more and she fit into another one, then a couple more and I get to add aonther one. Stop it, just stop it. You are going to ruin my marriage! LOL
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Post by izzix » December 2, 2005, 11:31 pm

businessman wrote:The list of warning signs is up to eleven.Now obviously there will be some good girls who die their hair or happen to have a big bit of gold so a score of two or three is probably acceptable.If the girl scores six of over i think you need to worry just a little. :)

1 A good command of the English language.
2 Demands for money early on.
3 A love of gambling.
4 A strong desire to leave Thailand quickly.
5 An agency girl.
6 Talking of marriage after only a few dates.
7 Too much gold.
8 Internet proficiency.
9 Western style attire.
10 Dyed hair,permed hair and plastic surgery.
11 Smoking.
12. and a well used cellphone with a bulging database of international numbers . (like DHL they cover the world )

13. and a body that looks like it has been punished by numerous dirty bar stewards from an early age .

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Post by izzix » December 2, 2005, 11:35 pm

14. Knows exactly where all the Western Union offices are in all Thai cities . Can recite all the addresses off by heart .

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