500th member
500th member
Way to go. Looks like this site is being looked at by quite a few folks. 1000 will be here before you know it.
- BangkokButcher
- udonmap.com
- Posts: 2690
- Joined: July 4, 2005, 9:06 pm
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- beer monkey
- udonmap.com
- Posts: 14553
- Joined: January 1, 2006, 8:08 am
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This site does not advertise brothels. However it would be naive to assume that they do not exist, in Udon, in Thailand, and around the world so the information is available, if they want to dig around a bit, for those who care. I don't, you may have an issue about this, but that is life.
What it does do is allow free speech, you may regard this as pluralistic. I would regard it as sign of maturity if people are willing to live and let live. Broadly, in fact, the same attitude as demonstrated by many Thai.
However, what is not acceptable on this or indeed any other forum, is to make postings that denigrate this site. You have, I take it, read the forum rules now and you have already breached them once. That also has been let slip because nobody wants this site to need to be moderated at all, again in the interests of free speech and a pleasant atmosphere.
Please accept this as a very gentle warning. If you do not like what you see, do not read it. Its as simple as that. I know you are very capable of humour, sly wit and intelligent comment, as demonstrated before, and that is most welcome.
This site does not advertise brothels. However it would be naive to assume that they do not exist, in Udon, in Thailand, and around the world so the information is available, if they want to dig around a bit, for those who care. I don't, you may have an issue about this, but that is life.
What it does do is allow free speech, you may regard this as pluralistic. I would regard it as sign of maturity if people are willing to live and let live. Broadly, in fact, the same attitude as demonstrated by many Thai.
However, what is not acceptable on this or indeed any other forum, is to make postings that denigrate this site. You have, I take it, read the forum rules now and you have already breached them once. That also has been let slip because nobody wants this site to need to be moderated at all, again in the interests of free speech and a pleasant atmosphere.
Please accept this as a very gentle warning. If you do not like what you see, do not read it. Its as simple as that. I know you are very capable of humour, sly wit and intelligent comment, as demonstrated before, and that is most welcome.
- BangkokButcher
- udonmap.com
- Posts: 2690
- Joined: July 4, 2005, 9:06 pm
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Beer Monkey - Most people join forums just a gain a bit of info about something specific, then just browse in the background, unless at some stage they decide to become a little more involved in the banter.
Dont forget the net is a 24 hour deal, so the members you see online when you are could well increase 10 fold when you are offline.
Here's the member tag from another forum that I mod for (not thai related) but to sum it up, this forum had over 60,000 members up till last week when we had a clear out of the inactives, now it's still just over 30k but the number of users online on a daily basis is still very low in comparison:
TC - advertising brothels is not something that I partake in on this forum, but I know the info's there, just like it is in millions of other forums all over the world, bottom line, what goes on in the 'members only' section of the forum is fine by me as it's not in the 'open' sections for all to see.
Carrying on with the advertising of brothel subject, I dont think that anywhere in the world has had them more widely advertised today than in the UK, where certain establishments sound like they are going to be legalised, I suppose that makes it sound a whole lot better coming from a western nation
Dont forget the net is a 24 hour deal, so the members you see online when you are could well increase 10 fold when you are offline.
Here's the member tag from another forum that I mod for (not thai related) but to sum it up, this forum had over 60,000 members up till last week when we had a clear out of the inactives, now it's still just over 30k but the number of users online on a daily basis is still very low in comparison:
Of course, like you mentioned, some will only join for the nightlife section, but thats their perogative, others will join for info on hotels, blah blah blah.Our users have posted a total of 172551 articles
We have 30289 registered users
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Most users ever online was 3491 on 29-09-2004 04:27 PM
The newest registered user is Hudson49
TC - advertising brothels is not something that I partake in on this forum, but I know the info's there, just like it is in millions of other forums all over the world, bottom line, what goes on in the 'members only' section of the forum is fine by me as it's not in the 'open' sections for all to see.
Carrying on with the advertising of brothel subject, I dont think that anywhere in the world has had them more widely advertised today than in the UK, where certain establishments sound like they are going to be legalised, I suppose that makes it sound a whole lot better coming from a western nation

- beer monkey
- udonmap.com
- Posts: 14553
- Joined: January 1, 2006, 8:08 am
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- BangkokButcher
- udonmap.com
- Posts: 2690
- Joined: July 4, 2005, 9:06 pm
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- beer monkey
- udonmap.com
- Posts: 14553
- Joined: January 1, 2006, 8:08 am
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To late addicted already, I log on any spare moment even when getting babys milk ready at 1am, 4am.and 7am. The wife gets the hump sometimes , even now front room,TV on, laptop on lap, not much conversation happening , still she has baby for company. :chat:
Did'nt really read them all only a few.
Did'nt really read them all only a few.

Can You Dig It Dug.?
Mr.Yorkman wrote
I need to tell you what happened a few months ago and then I will make no further comment on the subject.
Two Thai teacher friends of mine (a married couple) were visiting one weekend. One teaches English and on occasions invites me to come to her school and I hold an English conversation class with the students. We were having a jolly old time and my girlfriend was showing her a copy of the
May I call you John?However, what is not acceptable on this or indeed any other forum, is to make postings that denigrate this site. You have, I take it, read the forum rules now and you have already breached them once.
I need to tell you what happened a few months ago and then I will make no further comment on the subject.
Two Thai teacher friends of mine (a married couple) were visiting one weekend. One teaches English and on occasions invites me to come to her school and I hold an English conversation class with the students. We were having a jolly old time and my girlfriend was showing her a copy of the
Frantically reached for my copy of the Udonmap to see if I overlooked something. Hmmm, I must have a very outdated copy. Nothing too risque to mention unless a couple of bars were the object of their mirth? My copy doesn't even have the controversial red squares or triangles or whatever.
BB, please don't expect us to memorize or memorise that list of users. Glad to see no polehawk in there but who else would want it?

BB, please don't expect us to memorize or memorise that list of users. Glad to see no polehawk in there but who else would want it?

Mr TCTC wrote:Mr.Yorkman wrote
May I call you John?However, what is not acceptable on this or indeed any other forum, is to make postings that denigrate this site. You have, I take it, read the forum rules now and you have already breached them once.
I need to tell you what happened a few months ago and then I will make no further comment on the subject.
Of course,
Thanks for your cooperation.
And of course a map of Bangkok or Phuket even, would blank out the Patpong Road area or Patong beach of course, as we all know they dont really exist.
A map is there to provide information and directions - whatever you are looking for ! I dont think it actually holds your arm up your back and marches you down there involuntarily.
Having worked in a bar here you would not believe how many people ask me where to go for a little night late entertainment - and of course I show them the map and they can take it away with them and they are very grateful - where's the problem ?
A map is there to provide information and directions - whatever you are looking for ! I dont think it actually holds your arm up your back and marches you down there involuntarily.
Having worked in a bar here you would not believe how many people ask me where to go for a little night late entertainment - and of course I show them the map and they can take it away with them and they are very grateful - where's the problem ?
- beer monkey
- udonmap.com
- Posts: 14553
- Joined: January 1, 2006, 8:08 am
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- BangkokButcher
- udonmap.com
- Posts: 2690
- Joined: July 4, 2005, 9:06 pm
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